【同义词辨析】 2018-01-30 公平fair-objective

fair: implies elimination of one's own feelings, prejudices, and interests so as to achieve a proper balance of conflicting interests: a ~ decision by a judge.

just: implies an exact following of a standard of what is right and proper: a ~ settlement of territorial dispute.

equitable: implies a freer and less rigorous standard than just and may sug. fair and equal treatment to all concerned: provides for ~ distribution of his property.

impartial: stresses a freedom from favor OR prejudice in making a judgement: arbitration by an ~ third party.

unbiased: implies even more strongly an absence of prejudices and may imply firm intent to be fair to all: your ~ opinion of the whole affair.

dispassionate: sug. freedom from emotional involvement or from influcence of strong feelings , and often implies cool even cold judgement: a ~ summation of facts.

objective: stresses a tendency to view events and persons as apart from oneself and one's own interests and feelings: it is impossible for me to be ~ about my own child.

fair公平: 排除个人情感偏见利益==>冲突中做到平衡, just正当: 正确恰当, equitable:比just宽泛,公平同等对待各方, impartial:强调没有偏好偏见(反义词), unbiased: 更强调没有偏见,决意公平,dispassionate冷静: 不受情绪情感影响-->冷静甚至冷酷, objective客观: 强调脱离自身的视角,反义词是subjective主观

记忆方法: 1) 首字母联想, FJEIUDO==>IF U DO Justice and Equity, 如果你公正

         2) fair==equitable同义,参见"2017-08-03 正义justice-equity"。


         3)公平的意思是不偏倚任何一方mean free from favor toward either or any side.